Monday, December 20, 2010

Ouray, Colorado

Saturday was my 25th Birthday and after 7 1/2 years together, Scott and I haven't done anything romantic together. So on Friday we went to Ouray, Colorado for some peace and quiet, alone. We pulled into town around 11:00 am and since we couldn't get into out Hotel room until 2:00 pm we decided to walk up and down Main Street, twice. We checked out all the shops, and eateries, not finding anything to buy though. After that, we went and saw the waterfalls. These waterfalls freeze into a beautiful sparkling blue and people ice climb up them. They are amazing to see. Later on, we drove up the Yankee Boy Basin and saw some EXTREME Ice Climbers...these ice falls these people were climbing were literally thousands of feet high. I was scared just watching them! Haha! That night we went to a few Brewery's, ate some appitizers, drank some beer, and also bought an ice pick to have our names engraved into, to hang on one of the Brewery's Walls. (So if you ever go into The Ouray Brewery, look for our ice pick, it says "Scott and Ashley Hoskin 2010")  After we were finished there, we walked across the street to the local steakhouse, and had our dinner. Then, it was the Hot Springs. They were so relaxing, I think I could've stayed there all day long ;) We only stayed one night, but we will for sure start planning get-a-aways like this every 6 months or so, I think its great on your relationship to have some occasional alone time, away from the kiddos.  It brought us closer together and made for a wonderful birthday!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Funny Stories From Today...

Katee - Walking around the house, singing "I wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy"

Kaci - "Mommy, can I say shit?" Me "No honey, thats a bad word." Kaci "When I'm big like you, can I say shit?" Me "Sure Kaci, thats fine." Kaci "Okay, Mommy. I won't say shit anymore."

Katee - "Mommy, pull my finger..."

Kaci - Silently coloring when Blink 182 'All The Small Things' comes on Pandora, then all of a sudden she is up shaking her butt, saying "This is a good song Mommy!"

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Snakes In My Bed!

So, at around 12:10 last night I awoke to Kaci screaming bloody murder in her bedroom. This scream was so loud and scary, Scott and I both jumped out of bed and ran like hell to the girls bedroom. As we ran in, Kaci leaps from her bed and wraps her arms and legs around me with all her strength. She is shaking, sobbing and sweating. As soon as we can get her to calm down she starts telling us there are snakes in her bed. After realizing she was dreaming I tried to carry her into her room to show her there weren't any snakes. Well, she refused to go back into her room. She wouldn't let me put her down and if I tried to walk into her room she would start screaming again. After waking everyone up in the house, including her sisters, Scott and I decided we wouldn't get any sleep either unless we put her in bed with us. This morning after her shower I asked Kaci to go into her bedroom to get dressed. Thinking everything would be fine and forgotten, she refused because of the snakes in her bed. So I went in her room and completely stripped her bed so I could show her there weren't any snakes! Needless to say, I still can't get her in her room. Hopefully after school, she will forget it all, and enter her room!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Just the Beginning...

To start this new blog, let me tell you a little about my life and family. My name is Ashley and I'm a mother to 3 little ladies. I've been with their father for 7 years, we are not married, but we are happy with how we are living our lives at the moment.

Katee, my oldest daughter, is 5 years old. She is so sweet and sometimes shy.  She takes after he father more than me. She is very good at school, and has many friends. She is also very independent, and strong-willed. I would say that is her strong point but also her weakness. If she doesn't want to do something, she won't, it doesn't matter what you say or do!

Kaci, the middle child, is 3 years old. She is my "Princess" with an attitude! She wants everything to be pink and perfect but if you tell her she can't do something, she'll tell you to go to hell! She is very good at picking fights with her sisters and making the story seem like she wasn't involved at all. She tells you how it is, and doesn't care how she says it!

Kylie, my baby, is 7 months old. She is just starting to sit up all alone and talks up a storm to anyone, anywhere.

Scott, my hubby. He is not the kinda guy I usually went for in High School. He is what you would call a "Hillbilly!" He is my complete opposite but makes my life complete. Nobody thought we'd ever make it together, but we show people everyday that we are and will continue to do so.

With 3 daughters, a "husband", 3 dogs, a cat, a horse, and even a donkey, I'm sure I'll will have lots of things going on in my life to blog about. Hopefully everyone keeps coming back and keeping up with me and my Beautiful, Crazy family!